Surgical correction of excessive sweat/smell of the armpits.
Correction of Sweaty Armpits
Hyperactivity of the glands of the armpit (the accrine sweat glands) produces excessive sweat as well as an unpleasant smell. Both these problems may be socially prohibitive. Botox to the armpits will offer a temporary relief of this problem. A permanent solution is also available. This procedure involved making a 1 cm incision hidden in a crease in the armpit area, near sweat glands. The sweat glands can then be removed or excised with a specially designed instrument. This procedure takes about 30 minutes to perform.
After the operation, a tight dressing will be applied onto the armpit and will be removed after 1 – 2 days. As the glands responsible for the sweat and smell are removed with this procedure, the sweating and smell would be significantly reduce if not eliminated. As well, this procedure offers a permanent solution to this problem. Some bruising and swelling is expected and may take up to a month to settle down. Also the treated are may be a little firm and will benefit from deep massaging to soften the area as healing is taking place. Risks of the procedure include bleeding, skin sloughing and numbness of the armpit.
For a detailed understanding of the procedure please visit us for a consultation.