Eye Bag Removal

With aging, the eye bags becomes more prominent. The area below the eye bags develop a deep groove, called the tear trough deformity. Also as importantly, the cheeks loses its fullness / deflates with ageing. This causes the cheek to loose projection and sag. To achieve true rejuvenation of the lower eyelid therefore, all these aspects of the aging lower eyelid needs to be addressed.

In general 2 approaches may be used. The traditional approach involve making an incision below the eye lashes. This is call the subciliary approach. An alternative approach involved making an incision behind the eyelid. This is called the transconjuctival approach.

The transconjunctival approach (also known as the scarless eye bag removal technique) is beneficial for its effectiveness, quick recovery and safety. Compared with the traditional subciliary approach, it is advantageous because no incision is placed on the external eyelid skin, recovery is much quicker and complications such as prolonged swelling, lower eyelid eversion and retraction occurs much less frequently.
Recent advances in the understanding of surgical anatomy of the lower eyelid has enable all aspects of the aging lower eyelid to be predictably and reliably treated via the transconjunctival approach.
Called the extended transconjuctival lower blepharoplasty, this procedure addresses not only the eye bags, but also correct the tear trough and the loss of volume of the mid cheek. This is Dr. Wong’s preferred approach to treating the eye bags.
Dr. Wong has published his experience with this technique in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

The procedure may be done under moderate intravenous sedation or under local anaesthesia in the clinic. The procedures takes about 1 hour. Depending on your condition, this procedure may be combined with mid cheek fat grafting, to correct mode significant loss of facial volume or fat with more advanced aging to achieve a better aesthetic results.

Recovery generally takes 1 to 2 weeks. There may be some bruising and swelling after the surgery. Most patients may return to work or social activities after 1 week. Complete resolution of swelling will take 1 to 2 months.