Extended Transconjunctival Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty with Release of the Tear Trough Ligament and Fat Redistribution.
Commentary on: SMAS Fusion Zones Determine the Subfacial and Subcutaneous Anatomy of the Human Face: Fascial Spaces, Fat Compartments, and Models of Facial Aging.
Vascular anatomy of the anetromedial thigh flap.
Lower gluteal muscle flap and buttock fascio-cutaneous rotation flap for reconstruction of perineal defects after abdomino-perineal resections.
Consensus Recommendations for Optimal Augmentation of the Asian Face with Hyaluronic Acid and Calcium Hydroxylapatite Fillers.
Newer Understanding of Specific Anatomic Targets in the Aging Face as Applied to Injectables: Aging Changes in the Craniofacial Skeleton and Facial Ligaments.
Mid Cheek Lift Utilizing Facial Soft Tissue Spaces of The Mid Cheek.
Facial soft-tissue spaces and retaining ligaments of the midcheek: defining the premaxillary space.
Surgical anatomy of the middle premasseter space and its application in sub-SMAS face lift surgery.
Revisiting vascular supply of the rectus femoris and its relevance in the harvest of the anterolateral thigh flap.